25 MPH Speed Limit Coming
By Suzy Unger
On January 13, the Schenectady City Council held a public hearing on a proposal to lower the city’s default speed limit from 30 to 25 mph. The Stockade Association has long promoted the idea of lower speed limits as a way to make the Stockade safer for pedestrians and bicyclists. A recent traffic study commissioned by the city, recommended lowering the speed limit to 25 m.p.h. throughout the city with only a few exceptions.
Cities around the country including Seattle, New York, Boston and Albany have all lowered their default speed limit in recent years. Data shows that the increased reaction time caused by slower speeds results in fewer and less severe injuries, especially to pedestrians.
Stockaders MaryJo Czarkowski, Rich and Suzy Unger spoke in favor of lower speed limits at the council meeting. Sylvie Briber attended, showing her support for the proposal. Tom Carey of the Upper Union Neighborhood Association and Laurie Bacheldor, President of Schenectady Unified Neighborhoods also spoke in favor of the proposal.
Several council members and the mayor spoke in favor of the default speed limit which, if approved, would go into effect on March 1. Channel 13 covered the hearing.