The Stockade Association

Evidence of Old Schenectady

By Carol DeLaMarter

Major General Marquis de Lafayette Visits Schenectady, June 11, 1825

You may have stopped to read the text on this marker at 17 Front St.

You may remember the important role the French played in the American Revolution. Years later Lafayette was as popular as George Washington for critical roles he had played in helping the US win the American Revolution. Lafayette returned to this country to tour all 26 states and territories that made up the US then. His tour included a stop in Schenectady on June 11, 1825.

To celebrate the 200th anniversary in 2025, Lafayette will return to Schenectady on June 11 to day long events including a tour of the Stockade, dinner at the Glen Sanders with 24 toasts as per the 1825 dinner.