The Stockade Association

Purchase Ad in the Stockade Spy

THE STOCKADE SPY is the community newspaper for the Stockade neighborhood, New York State’s first historic district, nestled between downtown Schenectady and the Mohawk River. Advertising in the Spy is a way for your business to reach thousands of potential customers while also supporting the Stockade.

THE STOCKADE SPY is published from September through May for a total of 9 issues. Each month we print 1,000 copies which are delivered to all Stockade residents and businesses, mailed to government officials, libraries, and non-resident subscribers, and available for pick up at select locations. The Spy is posted on the Stockade Association’s website as soon as it arrives on doorsteps, further extending the range of your advertising.

COST: Full year – $260. Single month – $40. Ads starting later in year – see below for rates.

The Spy is printed in black & white (and gray tones)
Size: 3.5” wide x 2” high (business card size)
Electronic file formats accepted: jpeg, PDF, MS Word
Black & white line artwork resolution: 1200dpi @ 100%; Photos (halftones) resolution: 300dpi @ 100%

NO ARTWORK? Mail your business card, or logo and information to the address below; we will design your ad.

Questions? Please contact Sylvie Briber at:

Please complete the form below to purchase an advertisement in the Stockade Spy

All advertisements are due by 5 p.m. on the 15th day of the month prior to the next edition. Ads received after the deadline will be considered at the discretion of the editor.

Please note that submission does not guarantee publication as all advertisements are subject to review before publishing.