The Stockade Association
snow covered streets with traffic light

Garbage Pickup & Snow Removal

Garbage Pickup Schedule

Schenectady Garbage Pickup Schedule 2025

Single Stream Recycling: All recyclable material can be put into one container for collection.

For answers to your questions about trash & recycling, visit:  Single Stream Recycling or call 382-5144.

Snow Removal

In the Stockade, parking and driving can be a challenge! Plan ahead so you are not surprised with a ticket or a tow. When it snows, the City will be plowing day and night, so get your car off the street until streets are plowed. If you plan to be away for an extended period of time, move your car or make arrangements with someone to move it in case of a heavy snowfall while you are gone.

The police try their best to notify car owners who have not moved their cars, but sometimes DMV records are outdated and they can’t reach the owner. To avoid a costly tow, police suggest leaving your current phone number on the dashboard so they can call you.

Parking restrictions at First Reformed Church: During the recent construction in Riverside Park, First Reformed Church has supported parking in their church lot because of limited parking on Front and Church streets. The number of neighbors parking in the lot has increased as people remain at home. The Church has alerted us that they will now limit overnight parking in their lot. Cars remaining in the church lot overnight are being notified and may be towed. During snowstorms, please be advised, temporary parking is allowed once the church parking lot has been plowed so the city can clear the streets. Please note: cars remaining in the lot will be towed at owner’s expense to accommodate plowing of each lot during the night.

St. George’s Church lot on Green St. and First Presbyterian lot on Union St. allow temporary short term parking. After snowfalls that require plowing, neighbors may park only after church lots are cleared. Be advised that cars will be towed on Sunday mornings and when space is needed for church events.

Snow Emergencies – Listen to the radio or TV to see if there is a Snow Emergency called. Watch for signs posted on the streets to be informed as to what to do. During snow emergencies, the city usually opens the Schenectady Municipal Parking Garage on Broadway (407 Hamilton Street) for free parking as well as the Schenectady County Public Library (99 Clinton Street).

Union Street neighbors – Union Street is our only priority street in the Stockade. If you live on Union St. you must move your car with the accumulation of 3 inches or more of snowfall. Cars may return to Union St. only after the entire length of the street has been cleared of snow back to the curb.

If you have any questions during a snowfall or snow emergency, please contact the Bureau of Service at 518-382-5151 or the Police Department Traffic Division at 518-382-5200 ext. 1.

Click here for more detailed information.